"For lo unto ye a man has come"... These are the words I heard after my meditation tonight. I was pulled to write them here. I have the ... to indicate there is more to follow.
So last week I spun myself out of control, used meditation to find my center again, called and visited my therapist to hash it over and look at the good of the experience and within a few days felt right back to normal. Good work for me. Strengthening my confidence. The romance associated with psychic phenomenon is and has been another core issue for me throughout my life. But I have also had a strong fear of it too. Nothing really in this life has happened which would raise such a guard for me so I have always felt perhaps in a past life some how the psychic path ended not so well for me. In the last two years I have had amazing things happen which have been a test to my sanity. Literally. So the "over reaction" to last weeks anticipation at being given a message from my dead Grandmother brought up a whirlpool of emotions. Finding buddhism has been a godsend. (Is that an irony or what?) Here in much of the literature and talks I've been to are sane, rational, spiritual people talking about the reality of "unseen forces" about images and voices but the emphases is on de-emphasizing these phenomenon. Treat them like the wondering mind, with kindness, gentleness and bring yourself back to the breath. Even when you are completely lost gently come back to the breath. This is sage advice for this ego clinging, want-to-be psychic, householder.
Okay, so the books John had given me last Wednesday, didn't resonate at all with me. I mean if the books had been about Edgar Cayce talking about his experiences of tapping into his psychic abilities, what he did to connect to ground etc I would have been all over it. But instead these were accounts of his readings and their content. I did however hear the possibility that if this was a message from my grandmother that perhaps my dad or brother would be interested in the books so when I met with them over the weekend for my dad's 72nd birthday lunch, I handed them off. I was surprised they both took the books but I think they just wanted to make me feel good. We'll see.
Okay so I'm going along meditating doing everything fine when Wednesday (one week later) John is there in the parking lot in his red and white truck. My heart sank. I did not want to talk to him. But I took a breath and composed myself and was able to go up and talk to him. He asked what I felt of the books and I was honest and told him they didn't resonate with me but that I had given them to my father and brother just in case we were only messengers. He agreed with that. Then he reached over in the cab of his truck and grabbed another book and handed to me. I saw words Jesus Christ on the cover and could feel myself shut down again. God definitely is out of the picture for me these days and never have I even had an urge to study the bible or any of that stuff. My spiritual connection with God earlier in my life came from AA. It was clean and pure and most of all it worked. I was able to believe that a power greater than myself would restore me to sanity. But 20 years later, staying sober really not an issue anymore, there were just too many holes in the God thing. This is how I found Buddhism in the spring of 2007 (which is another kind of "unseen forces" story), took a formal meditation class in the fall and now here I am sitting at least 10 minutes every day, reading everything I can get my hands on and finally feeling peace. I have come home.
So John hands me this book called "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" by Levi Dowling. He told me to have an open mind. I reluctantly took the book. That night I started to read thinking I would skim a few pages here and there and then just give it back in a week or so but what instead I found was an interesting story that actually I understood and enjoyed. I kind of somehow forgot about the Bible thing and was able to get in to the story. I read far enough to realize that the book was going to tell the story of Jesus and of a man called John the Harbinger. I had to look up harbinger. I went to bed smiling at myself. The following morning I was in and out of the realization that a man named John had given me this book. I also remembered that in the Summer of 2007 a concerned friend gave me The Living Water Edition of the Holy Bible and had requested that I read the book of John, he had thoughtfully placed the cloth tassel bookmark at it's place in the New Testament. So easy for my brain to go flying off the handle with thoughts of grandeur of being a chosen one. To receive a message. But I breathed in and calmed down and instead picked up the book and began to read some more. Well, it is amazing at the similarities between what I have learned in Buddhism and this Gospel. Now I am not going to go off and go to church but it really is fun for me to read to have it resonate. What is really weird is that I went on to the internet to read about this Levi Dowling and found this site where it talks that....are you ready for this.... Jesus during his travels had a guide, a spirit guide, guess who? Maitreya. Is this just to weird? But I like it.
Okay so what do you think? What do you think the words at the top of this post (that I heard after my meditation) mean?