Sunday, December 7, 2008


This mornings meditation I was very aware of moving in and out of nowness and thoughts. I was wondering what it was that was pulling me out of thoughts and into nowness. What is mindfulness? Laying on my desk was a piece of paper that I had written notes. I had been using it as a bookmark for the Shambhala Sacred Path of the Warrior I had finished last night. I picked it up and read:

"Your home base - the peace-nature of the mind - is just like physical space outside your body. Within you is the space of consciousness where thoughts and emotions move about. As with the outside space, it is because of this space-mind that thoughts and feelings can arise freely and also cease freely. If your mind is already crammed there is no room for anything to arise in it.
If you can 'see' this space clearly in yourself, you also see what is rising and falling more clearly. At first, you may notice only falling - because it is more obvious. You will find yourself less involved with your own emotions and thus more at your home base. And the more your at your home base, the more at peace your will be with yourself and with the world." ~ Dr. Thynn Thynn - Living Meditation, Living Insight

Wow! This is delightful. How notes written in March of this year provide a clear answer to my question of "what is mindfulness". Today's meditation I was really able to see the falling of thoughts - more obvious. But to watch them arise! There is always something new!

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