Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Merton Buddhist

I didn't want to say I was a Buddhist Catholic because I'm not Catholic. What I have found with Thomas Merton however, is a new connection with God which seems entirely Buddhist to me. So in honor of the Lententide Season, I am abstaining from certain things in the next 40 days. My focus and desire is to work with the stillness while continuing my lay daily, family and other obligations but will be mindful of idleness. I want to apply mindful eating by trying to have two small meals and one main dinner and no snacking. I have been feeling that my voracious reading appetite needs to be quelled. I have been reading in hopes that just one more chapter on one more book will give me the answers to cure this groundless state I have been skirting and avoiding. Because of this I can only read the Catholic Mass readings, A Book of Hours by Thomas Merton and my daily Tricycle reading and accompanying article. This will leave more time which I often spend when not reading, surfing the net. I have been avoiding writing because staring at that blank page is like sitting in that groundless space. So I am only allowed to write. No TV. Only 1 hour of internet and it is only for this blog or checking personal email (only 1 per day). If I have nothing to do I will either do meditation, walking meditation or the practice of just sitting with my eyes open but doing nothing or shamatha.

The next 40 days will be a quest.

Find inspiration from this Tricycle online "Calm Abiding" by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche

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