Thursday, January 29, 2009

Where To Begin?

So many things have happened in the last few weeks. A profound change in my thinking. The messages are becoming overwhelming, fun, delightful, mysterious... a little bit of everything. Through this I am trying to rest in my new thought processing mechanism and that is as if I am in a giant swimming pool of buddhanature mind energy. More on this in a minute.

What I am looking forward to right now...but again trying not to grasp or cling... is an older man who I know only as an aquaintance met me in the parking lot yesterday on my way to lunch. He asked me if I knew and Adelle or Adaline. I asked for him to give me a context. He said a friend or a relative. I could not recall any one by that name. He said that he was told by them to give me a book. I really raked my brain since I am not good with names at all. No nothing. He said well I don't know if you believe in this stuff or not but have you ever gone into a trance and gotten messages? I was neither skeptical or to enthused but I did say yes. No trance for me but I definitely have gotten messages and heard voices. He said well they told me, demanded I get you this book that I have. Then he said that it has to do with death and what happens after we die. Talk about stop me dead in my tracks. No pun intended there. But the night before I had just watched my movie Proof. And that is my main quest...question... why can't we know what happens after we die. Anyway, my brain has been running with this and thinking back and at 12:30 he is supposed to be out in the parking lot to give me the book. By the way, when I realized he was getting messages I asked him if it could be Madaline? He said that the hair on the back of his neck went up so that must be who it was who wanted me to have the book. Madaline is my grandmother on my Father's side. What a fun story to share with him and my brother (since we don't talk about this kind of stuff... it would be fun to see their reaction).

So more about swimming in buddhanature energy. If I am... really just buddhanature love, wisdom, and all then trying to float in that space and let thoughts and emotions float on past is what I need to be trying to do. So, I am pretending that I am in a giant swimming pool and the water is the space and everyone I see and everything I feel is like my thoughts and emotions. And as I move through space/water that is buddhanature and it is mainly what there is around me. Buddhanature is space and like the feeling of water it is holding me. It is comforting and it makes me a part of everything else in the pool. I feel my heart chakra expand. Oh and words... have you ever been able to hear someone under water? No. So words have really no place other than sound. I can't attach meaning to them. Anyway....more to follow after lunch.

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